Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I have learned a lot of things in Brother Sherlog, period C Exegetes. Brother Sherlog talked about people in the Bible that compared to else, and he showed us how they were tested by God and how they were able to do his task. in Brother Sherlog period C, I was able to get closer to get closer to God spirtiually, and phycially.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Edmund Rice

Edmund Rice was born 1762 and died 1844.
Edmund Rice created schools to help kids get off the streets and get an education.
Edmund Rice gave up his money and started listening to God's orders to help people.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Exegesis is the study of scriptures.
Saint Jerome is our number one exegete.
He told us to chew the scriptures with the teeth of our mind.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Moses was sent out on a mission by God to lead the Israelites into freedom.
Moses had his helper Aaron speak to the pharaoh because when he spoke he stuttered.
Moses was able to get the Israelites away from slavery.
Moses was told to bring the Israelites to the Promised Land.
On his journey to the Promised Land God gave Moses the 10 Commandments.
The 10 Commandments was to lead people in the right direction.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Christ rules everything around me, not Cash rules everything around me. Some people chose Cash over Christ. Christ would always lead you in the right way, money always comes with a negative affect. Christ is always on top of money.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Job was tested by God, he had faith. God and Satan made a deal. God told Satan Job would never betray me and curse my man. Satan did a lot of bad things to Job but he never betrayed God.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Vox Dei, Imago Dei

Vox Dei means the voice of God.
Imago Dei means we are in the image of God.
When the teacher says Vox the class responds with Dei.
That means it is time to leave, because God is talking to us so we could go to our next class.
Everyone is made in the image of God. It doesnt matter what skin color, or what race you are, we are all still Imago Dei